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Kansas Homeowners Insurance Rates

There are many variables that will affect your cost when you are shopping for Kansas homeowners insurance rates you should be aware of.  Some of these things you will have full control over, while others you won’t.  Depending on where you live, the amount of coverage you need and the company you choose, your homeowners insurance rates in KS can range from $300 to over $4000.

Obviously the high end is for someone who needs a lot of coverage, but the reality is still that there can be as much as a $400 gap in Kansas homeowners insurance rates for the exact same coverage.  While some people may not be bothered by that, others want to save money any way they can while protecting themselves and their investments.

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Items Used To Determine Your Kansas Home Insurance Rate That You Have Little Control Over           

  • The Home Disclosure Report.  Insurance companies keep track of claims filed on a house by address.  If the home is in a high crime rate or has a history of flooding problems, rates are going to be higher.  If you are thinking about buying a house, ask for the home disclosure report.  It could save you some aggravation an high premiums in the long run.
  • Fire Protection Class.  The response time and distance from the closest fire hydrant can affect your rates
  • Wind And Hail Damage is covered a little different than rest of your policy.  A percentage of the insured value of your home is used to figure your deductible for repairs.
  • The Age Of Your Home.  The older the home, the more it costs to insure it.  That seems backward, but when you consider that building materials become less stable over time because of normal wear and tear and environmental factors, there is greater chance that an older home will be more prone to damage.

Things You Can Do To Lower Your Kansas Homeowners Insurance Rates

  • Know Your Credit Score.  The current theory is people with a lower credit score will file more claims.  Whether this is true or not, a lower credit score can drive up your homeowners insurance rates as much as 50%.
  • Buy Multiple Policies.  A lot of times the carrier of your auto insurance or life insurance policy can also provide you with homeowners insurance.    Many companies offer between a 5% and 15% discount for carrying more than one policy with them.
  • Install An Alarm System.  Having a home security system can reduce your premium as much as 20%.  The simple act of installing deadbolts can save you 5% on your homeowners insurance.
  • Senior Citizen Discounts.  If you are over the age 55, insurance companies will give you as much as a 10%.  The reason is senior citizens usually stay home more and notice fires quicker and they have more time to maintain their home.
  • Stop Smoking.  23,000 fires are caused each year by smoking.  Often time insurance companies will give you a discount if there are no smokers in the home.
  • Make Your Home More Disaster Resistant.  Your insurance agent can help you out with this.  You may be able to save on your insurance by installing storm shutters or by reinforcing your roof.
  • Raise Your Deductible.  A deductible is the amount of money you have to put out toward a loss before the insurance company will pay a claim.   The higher the deductible the lower your rates.  The trick is not putting yourself in a tight spot with this one by raising your deductible too high.
  • Do Not Confuse Rebuilding Costs with the cost of what you paid for your home.  The land your house stands on isn’t at risk for theft, fire and other perils covered in homeowners insurance.  If you ensure the house for what you paid for it you will be paying a lot more than you need to.
  • Look into Group Coverage.  Some larger employers offer insurance benefits that give you a discount at a named insurance agency just because of where you work.
  • Review Your Policy Yearly.  Insurance companies often change how they do things or based on your current home inventory you may require more or less coverage than you did a year before. 

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