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Cheap Kansas Homeowners Insurance

To find the best price on HO and get cheap Kansas homeowners insurance, you must first know what you are looking for.  While one goal may be to get homeowners insurance for cheap in Kansas, the other part of your goal is to protect your home and belongings. This article will walk you through what coverages to look for, what options you have, what the approximate costs should be, and most importantly, how to get homeowners insurance in Kansas, cheap.

The Basics Of Cheap Kansas Homeowners Insurance

There are multiple types of a homeowners policies in Kansas (H01-H08), but the most common form is the H03.  In this type, your real property (home, garage, and potentially other structures on your lot) is covered for all types of risks except those specifically excluded.  High winds, floods and earthquakes are some of the most common exclusions in policies.

This is especially important in Kansas, as KS is often prone to tornados and severe storms.  Be sure to clarify whether your homeowners policy covers these perils, and if it doesn’t, be sure to purchase a separate policy to cover the risk.

Even personal policy segments will exclude certain items. For instance, some may exclude acts of vandalism. If you don’t know this upfront, it could come as a rude awakening when you go to file a claim. Always ask, and never assume anything is covered. Even if something is covered on one quote you are given, it may not be covered on another.  This could make one policy look less expensive than another, when the reality is that it doesn’t offer you the same benefits. 

Components Of A Kansas Homeowners Insurance Policy

A policy in Kansas is broken into two separate parts: property and liability coverage.

Property coverage includes 4 components:

Coverage A:the home or residence

Coverage B:  detached structures on the property not used for business or as a rental

Coverage C:  personal property

Coverage D:loss of use (if you were forced out of your home for a covered reason, this would reimburse you for time lost in your home)

Liability coverage includes 2 components:

Coverage E:personal liability (claim brought against you for bodily injury or property damage done on your property)

Coverage F:medical payments if a claim occurs on your property resulting in medical attention

Factors That Affect Cheap Kansas Homeowners Insurance

5 of the main factors which affect your cost for homeowners insurance include your claims history, credit rating, home status, home constructions and location. Your premium will be adjusted due to the number of claims you have filed in the past. While industry expert usually say that filing a single claim won’t increase your rates at that point in time, it will definitely affect your future applications.

Your credit rating is considered a direct correlation with your ability to pay your bills and maintain your home. How well you maintain your home is taken as an indication of your likelihood to file a claim. Why? Regular maintenance, upkeep and replacement of appliances reduces the risks of damage due to the malfunction of these items. It’s also seen as a measure of your personal responsibility.

The material used in your home construction also impact your future predicted need to file claims. For instance, a brick home is less prone to fire risks. Finally, your location impacts your risk for everything from hurricanes and forest fires, to the fire department’s and police department’s ability and need to come to your home.

Ways To Get Cheap Kansas Homeowners Insurance

Here are some suggestions to lower your rates and premiums. When insuring your home, use the replacement value, not the market value. While this has a down side, it’s definitely the cheaper way to go.

Try using security measures like adding deadbolts, smoke alarms and security systems. You can get up to 25% discounts on premiums for these smart moves. While you’re doing that, remind your company that you’ve been with them for 3 years now! Many will decrease your premium by as much as 10%. Here are some other options:

  • Try a higher deductible.  This is only a good idea up to the amount you can afford! However, it will definitely lower your premium.
  • Buying multiple policies with the same company can lower rates.
  • Check into group, business or alumni discounts.

Other things you can try include getting a quote before you buy that spiffy new home. Is it really worth it? Maybe that higher priced beauty down the street with the security system is actually a better bargain.

Or, if you have an older home, look into replacing the pipes. Old pipes are the source of a lot of water damage that insurance companies hate to pay for. Ask yours if replacing them could get you a discount. 

Different Companies That Offer Homeowners Insurance in Kansas





State Farm

Liberty Mutual


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